
The following submissions have been selected for the finals in each category.

The winner of each category is revealed on the Blue Arrow Awards and Seminar, and then the seminar audience gets to vote the winner of winners.

Societal Influence

The category awards a digital effort that has improved the lives of citizens or made the whole society more efficient. It is a digital phenomenon that has transformed our everyday life, saved or prolonged our lives or made the whole community run smoother.

We award this prize to a Service that has significantly impacted the everyday life of people.

Evaluation criteria:

  • Positive impact on the everyday life of a single person or a group
  • Merges gaps between cultures, socio-economic groups, factions or beliefs
  • Promotes accessibility in society
  • Enhances fairness, equal opportunity or equality for minorities
  • Promotes sustainable societal development in education, climate change, preventive health care, etc.

Elements of AI

Elements of AI is an online course explaining what artificial intelligence is, what it can (and can’t) do, and how it affects our lives – with no programming or complicated math required.


HelpingApp yhdistää vapaaehtoistyöntekijät ja avuntarvitsijat ennennäkemättömän tehokkaasti. Sovelluksen avulla avun tarvitsijat ilmoittavat tarpeistaan, vapaaehtoiset voivat ilmoittautua työtehtäviin sekä kertoa koska ja millaisiin tehtäviin he ovat käytettävissä. -valtuudet avulla voidaan luotettavasti ja reaaliaikaisesti tarkistaa henkilön tai yrityksen valtuudet sekä toimivalta asioida sähköisesti toisen henkilön tai edustamansa yrityksen puolesta ajasta ja paikasta riippumatta. Kansalaiset voivat tehdä sähköisiä valtakirjoja Palveluun liittyminen ja sen käyttäminen on sekä julkishallinnolle, että yksityisen sektorin toimijoille maksutonta. is a service that allows citizens, companies and interest groups to explore the Finnish government spending. It provides information on state spending for goods, supplies and services down to the purchase order level.


The category awards the customer experience that is loved by their customers. Such services are easy and enjoyable to use; they improve the life of their users while making the best use of their time and money. At best, the user’s experience from the very first to the last transaction - within the application and outside of it - is so smooth that the user hardly recognises any effort. Often such services almost feel like having a soul of their own.

We award this prize to a Service that is loved by its end-users whether they are consumers, employees or citizens.

Evaluation criteria:

  • How much the service improves the lives of the users
  • How relevant is the service for the users
  • How easy the service is to use
  • Why does the service improve users’ lives
  • What evidence do you have of customer love
  • How does it differentiate from competition or previous versions


Moovy on parkkipalvelu ja markkinapaikka, joka kokoaa yhteen autoilijat ja parkkiruutujen tarjoajat. Se avaa puomit uuteen liikkumisen vapauteen, jossa sama palvelu toimii eri pysäköintiympäristöissä halleissa, kaduilla ja muilla pysäköintialueilla.


User centered design of the Finnish tax administrations OmaVero service. Typically, we do not use in a same sentence income taxation and compelling digital user experience. But the truth is that every over 15-year-old Finnish citizen must give a tax return and pay the taxes. Usually this has been very cumbersome and complicated procedure from the end user point of view. You need to recognize, check, double-check and use several sources of data to make it right. Moreover, the jargon used in taxation can be hard to comprehend and understand. After all, we all don’t want to pay more than our share really is and on the other hand, the state is responsible for the collection based on the data at hand. The aim of the service is to make paying of the taxes easier and more understandable.


LähiTapiolan TerveysHelppi-sovellus tekee käyttäjiensä elämästä huolettomampaa ja helpompaa. Etälääkärien ja -sairaanhoitajien palvelut niin asiakkaille kuin heidän vakuutetuille lapsilleen tulevat kirjaimellisesti käden ulottuville missä ja milloin vain, eikä etukäteismaksuja tai korvaushakemuksia tarvita.

Viable Business

The category celebrates finding business opportunities in using digital technology. Whether it is new or established business - if it positively affects your bottom line, brings competitive advantage or helps to keep your business relevant, it contributes to viable business.

We award the prize for a Product/Service that makes a positive impact on business through the use of digital technologies or the phenomena in digital life.

Evaluation criteria:

  • Solid business case description on what makes the business viable over long term
  • Demonstrated evidence on the viability of the business case
  • Digital business innovation that creates sustainable competitive advantage
  • Novelty of the business idea within its target market

Buster App

Keeping track of your boat and memories of your adventures – in your pocket. The application is linked to the Buster Q marine smart display system featured on all the new Buster boat models. The Q system keeps track of the boat’s trips, location, fuel & battery status, and automatically syncs your data to a secure cloud in real time. Your boats status and digital logbook is instantly accessible from the application as well. What’s more, the app lets you share the location of your boat with friends and family. You can also share your journeys with the world on social media. For novice boaters, the application offers a handy user’s guide that covers everything from maintenance to docking.


As part of a vast digital practices development project, Finavia wanted to renew the website in 2017. One of the priorities of the project was to improve the availability of real-time information on the site. Visitors come to the site looking for information on flight schedules, public transportation, security check waiting times and airport services. Another core development area was the online shop. Before the project, Finavia’s online shop was only available as a mobile app. Now Finavia the shop is integrated into the new web service. Sales have grown in many service areas, such as parking booking, which grew by almost 120% in euros.


LähiTapiolan TerveysHelppi-sovellus tekee käyttäjiensä elämästä huolettomampaa ja helpompaa. Etälääkärien ja -sairaanhoitajien palvelut niin asiakkaille kuin heidän vakuutetuille lapsilleen tulevat kirjaimellisesti käden ulottuville missä ja milloin vain, eikä etukäteismaksuja tai korvaushakemuksia tarvita.